Tuesday, March 9, 2010


LOYD (Living Off Your Dollar) Neal is sweating bullets along with other prominent members of the Republican party including Mike Scott, that RON MCCLAIN HAS BEEN LINKED TO THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY/SOUTH TEXANS FOR LIBERTY (AFFILIATION WITH THIS HATE GROUP!) This satellite hate organization is poised to foment hate in our very own Nueces County. This is what Loyd and other republican leaders are deathly afraid would be revealed. Additionally, the John Birch Society is against tort reform and big business, the bedrock of the local party, yet McClain works for Thomas J. Henry!
SCANDAL: First let us look at Ron McClain the new Republican Chair: He is linked to Chuck Burnett, South Texans for Liberty, which is a reported recruiting center for the ultra right and anti minority and anti government and hate group John Birch Society, which according to Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center, are linked to and have sponsored Neo Nazis and other hate groups.
ACCORDING TO MORRIS DEES FROM THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER: "This year documented a record number of active hate groups, an explosion of conspiracy minded and militia groups, and a sharp increase in the number of vigilante
, and nativist extremist groups who confront suspected illegal immigrants. These three strings of the radical right are the most volatile elements in America (enemy combatants) who also cannot accept that President Obama is a born citizen of these United States, taken together their numbers increased by 40%." No wonder the old guard Republicans are scratching their head to figure out what the hell happened.

Chuck Burnett, buddies with RON MCCLAIN, THE NEW REPUBLICAN CHAIR, is President of the group called South Texans for Liberty and local president of the John Birch Society. Every meeting of the South Texans for Liberty, every month, there is a recruiting meeting to get more members to join the John Birch Society. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it is the De Facto John Birch Society that has infiltrated the liberatarians. In essence, recruitment is going on under our very noses for radical rightwingers who foment and fund hate. That is why Loyd blew his Depends garments! Why do we care and why should Republicans be afraid?

I will tell you why: The John Birch Society wants to do away with desegregation of minorities and go back 50 years. They abhor what they perceive as losing American values (white values) in society and fear immigration and hispanics. Most mainstream Republicans here locally want to have some minimal intermingling with hispanics for their votes, but this society wants to go back half a century and repeal Brown versus the Board of Education(which ended racial segregation for blacks) and Rodriguez versus Driscoll ISD which ended segregration for Hispanics. Their twisted rationale is that the federal government should not intervene under the 10th amendment reservation of state rights and avoid at all costs, racial and gender leveling and avoid a measure of equality between whites and minority groups.

JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY MEMBER RON MCCLAIN IS ROCKING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BECAUSE OF CONTRARY VIEWS OF BIG BUSINESS: Also, John Birch Society are enemies of Flint Hills, Sam Kane Meat Processing, Citgo and Tort Reform people. John Birch Society Members like McClain, believe there is a conspiracy and a one world government led by people like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and international wars are being launched, by corporations and blame corporations as the trigger of the upcoming Armageddon. THEY ARE ALSO AMAZINGLY AGAINST TEXANS FOR TORT REFORM AND JERRY KANE (recently given 33 million by the government and they are incensed)! Why is MCCLAIN against tort reform? He's against corporations! Many republicans support corporations so there is the conflict. The old guard Nueces County Republicans were rocked, including Mike Scott, that McClain took over. It is whispered by Republican insiders that McClain perceives that the EDC is a threat because the local government and LOYD NEAL have formed a partnership with private corporations for a long time and made sweet deals that are to be revealed now that it has hit the fan. Rumors are flying that Burnett and MCCLAIN have the goods on LOYD's years of shady deals and insurance insider baseball and want to do nothing but go against big business and help Thomas J. Henry (see below..keep readin'). That is why the wagons circled Monday on the CALLER TIMES and Loyd Neal asked for all Republicans to stick together, even though there is a great rift in the party which will hurt Neal and other party candidates here locally.

Even Spohn employees, who are advocating denying immigrants health care treatment, and part of the John Birch Society (SPOHN IS also a big corporation which has just threatend its employees not to join a union) are feeding this info to Ron McClain. How did McClain rise so quickly? Right after President Obama won and Ron Paul lost, the Birchers, who believe both parties have sold out, e.g., the right has sold out its values to corporations and marxism, and the Democrats have been infiltrated by a "one world government" and Birchers have the belief that this is true along with . anti-semetic tendencies. Many of the Birchers are trying to protect their status and are against formal schooling, and avoid leveling at all costs (no giving minorities any advantage and against Mexicans and see it as a threat to American values). The Birchers don't want to connect with the world that is quickly changing with a global economy. They feel it contaminates their lily white world and immigration and including minorities is a conspiracy that will eventually vitiate American Culture. They talk civilized but when you look at the money and follow the trail it leads to..you guessed it NEO NAZIS and fascists. They want smaller government to avoid a "one world order"...RIIIIIGHT.

AS NEW REPUBLICAN CHAIR IN NUECES COUNTY, RON MCCLAIN IS THE firebrand for the John Birch Society and therefore, has hurt the Republican party old guard. He also carries the South Texas for Liberty beliefs which support radical ideas of homosexual relationships and recreational drug use (don't believe me...look it up folks) and loathe public education and any type of governmental oversight. The John Birchers also believe that fluoride is a conspiracy of the government for mind control along with certain bottled water (whew, One step beyond!Where's that grassy knoll and Oliver Stone right now..?). In retrospect, the conservative Republicans wanted these people, the Birchers, as a military arm and good ally but not become the leader of the Republican party. Why do you think the traditional Republicans are reaching for the alka-seltzer?

THE RADIO CONSERVATIVE SHOCK JOCKS like Bob Jones and Jim Lago are going crazy with this guy McClain but the Republicans are trying to bottle all of this up along with Loyd (Living Off Your Dollar) Neal to show a bravefront and to coverup that they have been had and that their local values are conflicting with the new Republican leadership.

Two days ago Ron MCCLAIN was quoted in CALLER TIMES as saying he did not have much conflict with the local Republican values except for TORT REFORM which blew Mike Scott and his wife Connie Scott out of the water. That basically says that the Scotts' tort reform efforts are not going to be supported by the Republican leadership. This is why LOYD scrambled to make a unified front and appealed to all to get along but this may not be the reality of the Republican party which had just begun to make endroads.

Another issue to consider: ARE P.I. LAWYERS INFILTRATING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? Thomas J. Henry and other personal injury lawyers may see an opportunity here. GET THIS: REPUBLICAN CHAIR Ron McClain reportedly works for THOMAS J. HENRY!!! Thomas J. Henry, personal injury firm is building him a new palace on Ocean Drive and Thomas J. Henry may dissolve the obstacles of tort reform through MCCLAIN. Now Ron MCClain who works for a plaintiff attorney now leads the Republican party in NUECES COUNTY. That is what LOYD and the boys don't want you to know! ON RECORD: There is a lawsuit filed against the Republican party by Ron MCCLAIN and yet he was still elected. Interesting... keep in mind that MEDINA helped MCCLAIN to get elected by bringing out the liberatarians and R's that go to their own beat. Many wondered why on election day that Medina's signs were everywhere.
Remember: John Birch Society trains people how to infiltrate groups. That is exactly what they did: they infiltrated the liberatarians (Chuck Burnett's group and then infiltrated the Republicans this cycle). The Perry people should be worried. The Thomas J. Henry variable really rocks the Republican party here locally. Thomas J. Henry has the opportunity to disarm Citgo, Flint Hills and other big corporations and they no longer have a shield around their heart!

The Thomas J. Henry model using McCain can be used in Houston, Dallas, Austin and other places. Sounds farfetched? Ask Republicans in the know. How can you have a Republican chair who doesn't support tort reform. Whoa! Thomas J. Henry knows that dollars are being channeled to tort reform groups but here is his opportunity to cut the flow of dollars. Brilliant! The Republican party recruited Thomas J. Henry to go after Celis. Did they create a monster? We don't think Thomas J. Henry is acting alone. Other P.I. lawyers with big bucks may be helping MCCLAIN. Mark our words, the Republicans are in big, big trouble because of this.


Monday, March 1, 2010


In what has become a laughingstalk of a campaign, Reyna "the Republican" falsely accused Clarissa Gonzalez of lying about her military service record's medical discharge and not pleasing his majesty and stating it was an "honorable discharge"-not that he ever enlisted. Through Diligent reporting by Mitch Bryan of KRIS-TV all that was a matter was a typo that Reyna could have verified or not with the publisher and Mrs. Gonzalez. Although Reyna says it is not politically motivated and it was to point out a possible lie, THEN WHY IN THE HELL DID HE HAVE CAMERAS, ALL HIS SOLOMONISTA SUPPORTERS and Mike "the Enforcer" Rendon around at the courthouse calling her a liar and wanting her to "apologize to the good citizens of Nueces county". MAYBE IT IS YOU THAT NEED TO BE DOING THE APOLOGIZING AFTER THEY SPANKED YOU AND MADE YOU LOOK LIKE THE HORSES ASS YOU ARE. EVERYONE VOTE AGAINST JUAN REYNA. HE CAN'T EVEN GET HIS FACTS STRAIGHT.