Friday, February 12, 2010

The Race for Nueces County Judge gets Ugly! Reyna's Camp Spinning out of Control!

The Race for Nueces County Judge became ugly Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 7pm at City Hall when 4 reliable female activist witnesses indicated that Joseph Ramirez, Campaign Manager for Juan P. Reyna accosted Mrs. Clarissa Gonzalez and her daughter regarding La Politica's opinions and attempted to strongarm her, she excused herself to prepare for the debate. Unfortunately, Mr. Ramirez followed her and her daughter to the bathroom and continued to berate her in front of other women at the League of Women Voter debate. Security was summoned and Juan Reyna himself after the fact asked Joseph "Mad Dog" Ramirez to leave the premises. After the debate but not shaken by these ungentlemanly and abusive deeds, she completed the debate and was escorted by a male campaign worker and City Hall security. Mr. Reyna was unavailable for comment and on commentarios on 104.9 at 1:00pm today feigned ingnorance of the whole event!
Clarissa Gonzalez to her credit refused to file a police report or obtain a restraining order and shrugged it off as politics but commented that she was disappointed her 9 year old daughter who came out to see her mother debate was subjected to this type of violent and intimidating behavior. It is whispered that Joseph is on the carpet since his uncle LENCHO RENDON rolled into town after the debacle to chastise him since Joseph is also acting as a campaign organizer for the Bill White Campaign.
Susie Luna of Grassroots Consultants who is managing the huge FAROUK SHAMIE campaign happened to be at City Hall and was witness to the spectacle: "It's disappointing when you have a campaign and its leader allow one person to go negative and cross the line and intimidate a female candidate and her daughter. Her 9 year old daughter was visibly shaken. This is why more females do not seek office- because of hardball and thuglike tactics that certain people are known for... I admire the courage of Clarissa Gonzalez and wish her the best in her campaign, she shows a lot of heart, class and dedication and humility to the Democrats of Nueces County"
. In Ms. Luna's scathing commentarios that she is known and feared for on 104.9 At 1:15p.m. CST she was heard to say of Reyna, "Juan, I want you to tell the people, which is it? Are you Red or are you blue? First you are a Democrat, then a Republican and back again? Is that reliable or is that SHIFTING your position? Ladies and gentleman, of the Democratic Party, one minute he says he is humble, then he acts superior with his 3 degrees... which is it? Can we rely on Juan Reyna's word when he left the City of Alice to become a Republican and now he's a Democrat again? He speaks in his commentarios of issues, but what is the real issue in a Democratic Primary? The real issue is, are you a Democrat and are you honest or are you shifting? Where does your 19 years of experience come from when you had 10 of those with your nose in a book and leave every job you have after a year or two the last decade?"


  1. Oooh, Joseph "Racoon" Ramirez: Big man picking on a woman and her nine year old daughter. No wonder Juan "Flipflopper" Reyna asked you to get your fatass out of the City hall. I heard at a club tonight that Bill White and Your Uncle Lencho Rendon are not to please with you and ALSONSO your camera man for picking on women. You may or may not win this primary but it certainly is not because of your abusive ways. Fellow LATINOS unite against Juan Reyna. He could have controlled his thugs better. Why didn't he just be a real man and run against Loyd Neal straight up in a Republican primary?

  2. Not cool, but this the way the Lencho thugs roll. Yes, Reyna thinks he has us fooled but Abel the repairman and Wally Flores from Robstown and all the men like them have your number: You're a traitor to Abel Herrero for giving Connie Scott 500.00 and now I hear you are launching secretly an anti-abortion campaing against him. To top matters off you are trying to bury the fact you were a Republican for years. It's wrong.
