Thursday, February 25, 2010

Caceres Bombs at Flint Hills Forum and Stutters like Porky Pig

From Several Phone Cameras in this republican trap known as the Flint Hills Forum of Chemical Dumpers and anti-tree huggers Gloria Caceres candidate for County Commissioners reportedly stuttered like Porky Pig and lost her place several times during her presentation to the audience and stated, "I'm sorry", "I'm confused", "I lost my place,", "What was I saying?". The bewildered audience began shoveling down bbq faster to forget this embarrassing attempt at public speaking. Many reportedly looked at their shoes pitying "Gurgling Gloria" for continually stuttering, saying she was confused, nervous and losing her place. Some reported that without her notes she is lost at sea and it certainly was the case at Flint Hills. When a Chemical Engineer was asked after the luncheon how it went he indicated, "you'd have to be hardpressed not to say that the Caceres woman blew it completely. I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't running for office and put herself in that position". Phone calls flew around the city about her campaign imploding and embarrassing the Solomonistas. (Yikes!). Tune in to see more of Gloria's bombs, "Vuh dee ya, Vuh dee ya, Vud dee ya, that's all folks!" A lifetime gift certificate for Toastmasters is planned on being given to Gloria "Deadbeat" Caceres soon. Noyola and Joe A. Gonzalez were their usual eloquent hardhitting selves. More to come.
It is also rumored that a political stink bomb is being released within her camp but no details yet.


  1. I hear they are dropping the nuclear bomb on Gloria in two separate press conferences happening tomorrow at Courthouse by the Ten Commandments at 2 or 3pm. Then the second one about her other records is coming out monday or Election day in the morning.

  2. She deserves it. She has fought dirty against Judge Jag but look who is backing her. The same Solomonistas supporting Reyna the Republican and Bea the Ballot Molina and Rose "the Mess" Harrison.
