Friday, February 19, 2010


"I don't care if I win or lose...." "I am not concerned with the word "for" on my signs..."..YIKES
RELIABLE SOURCES INDICATE...that All of Mr. Reyna's signs are out of compliance and misleading by misrepresenting that he is already the Judge. Some indicate he is a lawyer and his backers have been in politics for 3 decades so there is no excuse for making 1000 signs with such a fatal mistake. He has vowed to remove all of the signs and put up new ones on television and was quoted by two reporters indicating this would be done. 36 hours later all signs are still up and apparently Jack Gordy was called by our sources today..(.793-8978) and he indicated that Mr. Reyna repeatedly ignored his calls and failed to remove the signs. "The signs are misleading because it looks like it just says Juan Reyna..County Judge. he is not County Judge and is violating the law hundreds of times.." said Gordy. Gordy indicated he would be filing a Texas Ethics Commission violation against Reyna who was heard to say at LULAC to his opponent.. "I am not concerned at all with the size of the word "for" on my signs. He was also heard to say about his campaign, "I'm so tired...I don't care if I win or lose...I just want it to be overwith" at a local southside restaurant. Juan, don't you know it's politics and everyone listens?


  1. I saw some of his signs in the street and some block the road when you are turning. They are monsters and you can't even make out anything but Reyna and Judge. Gordy for once is right. He's crazy but he knows his sign laws and for Reyna to ignore the fundamentals proves we are in trouble if he gets up there as Judge.

  2. Backers? Just come out and say it..the usual Solomonista puppet who will do what he's told. A new generation of spineless worms. His heart isn't in it and out of all those signs never has any of my family seen him put up one sign. That's hard work for you. Oh,yeah. My vote is not with him

  3. Was it Wings and More? I saw him there near tears...

  4. Keep loving him Robstown.Let's see if he will be there for you. That guys switches parties like he switches underwear.

  5. How can he vow to take off the signs he never put up? If this guy had to work for a living he would really go crazy. Putting the County in his hands is like a fox guarding the hen house.
